Prosteel Supply has been active in the global forging market for almost three decades, specializing in customer specific forgings for all major industries. Our organization has over 25 years’ experience as part of one of Europe’s leading forge master.
Prosteel Supply was started in 2019 as an independent trading company with its location and warehouse in Echt, The Netherlands and Dubai, UAE. The company has evolved out of Brück Pipeconnections B.V., which was over 25 years the exclusive marketing and sales organization in selected geographical regions for Brück GmbH in Saarbrücken, Germany.
For over 25 years, our employees have been active in providing customer specific forgings to various industries, e.g.:
- Machine building: shafts, rings and special forgings
- Wind energy: on- and off-shore wind turbine rings and gears
- Oil & gas industry: subsea pipeline components, swivel stack parts for Floating Production Storage Offloading (FPSO) and for buoys
- Marine contractors: pile follower forgings, buckle arrestors
- Shipbuilding: hull forgings, off-shore crane components, thruster parts
Due to this extensive experience, Prosteel Supply can offer you the best suitable product from our network of suppliers, based on quality, lead-time, specification and price.
Questions about our products or anything else? call us!
Tel: +31 (0)475 48 66 55
E-mail: info@prosteelsupply.com
V.A.T. nummer : NL003843622B01
K.v.K. register no. : 13032089
Bank : ING Roermond NL71INGB0677423462
Sint Janskamp 15A
6101AG Echt (L)
The Netherlands